Our head has four sinus cavities. They are a very important part of our body. Infection or inflammation in the cavities can cause immense pain and pressure. Sinusitis refers to the infection caused by an inflamed, infected or mucous filled sinus cavity. Signs and symptoms of sinus infection are similar to those of a common cold. The only difference being that these symptoms do not respond to medication normally given for a common cold. Sinus can also be caused due to an allergy of some kind. People living in dusty areas complain of sinus more often.
There are times when a person feels that his/ her cold is not ready to go away. No medication seems to be of any help. Such people should refer to a doctor immediately. Allergies and colds that refuse to go away are sure shot signs and symptoms of sinus infection. A sinus infection should be attended to as soon as possible because it can turn chronic which may lead to unnecessary complications and surgery.
Other signs and symptoms of sinus infection include inflammation and redness in the nasal passage, redness and swelling in the eyes, tenderness of facial muscles, fever, toothache and headache. The toothache and headache increase on bending. Fever is a symptom which is rarely associated with sinus. But a combination of two or more such symptoms is a sure shot sign of sinus. The signs and symptoms of sinus infection are fairly visible and easy to detect. Some doctors also do tests like x-rays and CT Scans to confirm a sinus infection.
Though sinus can be easily cured by medication, surgery may be required in some extreme cases. Inhalation of steam and nasal drops also help. Taking precautions such as using a humidifier and proper cleaning of the nose can also prevent sinus.