Infections are caused by small living things (organisms), which come into the body and start multiplying. Some organisms are harmless and help organs work properly. But others cause disease. If these organisms into your body, and the immune system can fight them off immediately, you can get the infection, which makes you sick. If you do not deal with the infection, it could eventually cause serious health problems. Some infections are life-threatening, especially if you have a low resistance to infection and cancer treatment. Some infections may be mildly irritating, whereas some of them are serious in nature. Infections can affect almost any part of the body, so it is necessary to know the variety of infections and their causes. There are common infections such as ear infections, colds, etc., that are mildly irritating, usually due to irritation of these fungal growth inside the ear, and get help the physician must be very difficult necessary.Some infections are thrush, yeast or candida is present everywhere in our bodies. It has broken the immune system, which keeps the yeast in check.
Infection as the result of the flu as the virus, which enters the body through the air. These infections are harmless and can cause fever, muscle aches and leg aches. Flu or influenza can be dangerous for the elderly or young babies. Influenza usually requires, fever, cold, chest congestion, running nose, etc. Parasite infections are a variety of infections, this is when two different parasites in the body in parallel, and their interaction gives out different reactions in the body to infections. These infections show the body to show to the boil, puree, etc. Common cold as his name is the most common infection. This is caused when the virus is a single person has been sent to another person, causing irritation and congestion inside the nose, causing the running nose, headache and fever. Flu match last up to 4-5 days long. Infection and the urinary tract is called UTI, this infection can affect any part of the urinary tract. Urinary tract infections are caused by bacteria that live in digestive tract, bladder and urethra, or anywhere in the digestive tract and urinary tract system. Most of the time, this bacteria flows out of the body, may be times when this bacterium affects the urinary tract system, it has more women than men. Many women have suffered from this infection regularly. The symptoms of urinary infection, or a burning sensation at the time of urination, redness or murky urine, fever, feeling the need to pass urine again and again. Most above infections could be ensured, medication, and taking adequate care of hygiene.