Uterine infection caused by haemolytic streptococci were dreaded disease before the introduction of sulphonamides and penicillin. Today, this infection is not only rare, but manageable. However, it is true that the uterine infection, sometimes occur in women who are concerned with modern and up-to-date techniques. There not have any very dark or anything serious these symptoms, but they must be noted that the midwife, who assumed that the infection is, if the uterus is slightly palpation and movement of the offer. Swab taken and sent to the laboratory for bacterial culture and isolationthe organism to find its antibiotic sensitivities. The doctor is notified and a woman are examined and given an antibiotic and infection. The control of the uterus may become infected by different bacteria. Signs and symptoms ranging from organism and the severity of the infection. The first sign is usually that is a little offensive to lochia, perhaps a rich and brighter colors than previously. The uterus may be a little tender or a woman can not know and lower abdominal discomfort, which is on one side than the other. The temperature and the pulse is probably slightly elevated.
The following is a list of some common sign and symptoms of uterine infection: infertility or recurrent miscarriage, adhesions may also cause the time to stop or be very light or infrequent, Asherman's syndrome can be with pelvic pain, or painful menstruation, if adhesions prevent blood from leaving the cervix.
Cause uterine infection: One of the most common causes of uterine infection is present in and around the uterus, in the product design, such as a small part of the placenta, which would not have sent most of the placenta the third stage is a foreign body labour. Any uterine cavity is an ideal culture of bacteria and retain some degree of product design has always taken into account, especially if the infection is connected to Some bleeding.An ultrasound shows whether the design of the products stored inside uterus.
The September uterine leiomyomas is unknown, but some of the factors involved in regulating leiomyoma growth are: a number of growth factors like growth factor, steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, their growth factors.
Prevention Tips: Ask your doctor about prophylactic antibiotics, which may reduce adhesions, which, the patient would report abnormal bleeding or pelvic pain immediately, assure the patient that he did not experience premature menopause, when her ovaries is not addressed, patients with severe anemia due to excessive bleeding, to manage the IRO, complement and blood Transfusions, as ordered, to encourage the patient to put into words their feelings and concerns related to disease process and its effects of his lifestyle.
Bladder Infection is one of the type of infection.