Ear infection is a common occurrence during winters and also is the most common reason for a visit to an ENT (ear, nose throat) specialist. The infection is of three types, otitis media, and otitis interna and otitis externa. The first infection is a middle ear infection and is the most common ear infection in infants and children.
Use a sock full of heated salt and place over the infected ear. This will draw out the fluids that may have accumulated inside the ear. Make sure that the sock isn't too hot to cause any burn to the skin of the ear. In case of a swimmer's ear, you can make a mixture of water and vinegar (50/50) and apply it as an ear drop into the infected ear. The vinegar creates an unfriendly pH environment for the fungus causing the ear infection.
Before going to bed, put 2-3 drops of warm garlic oil into the ear after using a blow dryer to remove any water present in the Eustachian tube. Alternatively, drops of warm olive oil, juice of mango leaf, juice of grated onion or lobelia extract can also be used to provide relief from the ear infection. Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic and is beneficial when used for washing the ears. Putting sweet oil and sticking a cotton ball inside the infected ear also works for most ear infections.
Alcohol is one product which has shown effective results in curing and treating ear infections. Its use treats pathogenic infections, reduces pain by its anesthetic action and dissolves ear wax. Daily administration of surgical alcohol (2-3 drops) in the affected ear has shown significant improvements in curing ear infections. Usually the result is expected within a week of its use and there are no precautions to be taken, nor are there any side effects.
Ear infection is mainly caused by bacteria and these micro organisms are 'base' by nature. So, if they are treated with something acidic, then this will neutralize the pH levels in the ear and cure the bacterial infection. So, squeezing 1-2 drops of lemon juice in the infected ear is just the thing that you need to do. However, make sure that you let the drops stay for about a few seconds and drain it out.